My Food Obsession

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Out of Sorts

It sometimes surprises me how quickly I can become unaccustomed to things. I've been living up in San Francisco for over eight months now. Prior to my move, I lived in LA for 26 years, also known as my entire life. It's amazing how a few quick months can undo two and a half decades of learned behavior.

I'm currently in LA, visiting with friends and family, before starting my new job. And in my time here so far, these are some things that I've already found myself unaccustomed to:
1. Traffic.
2. Driving 30 minutes to get anywhere (and that's not considered far).
3. Temperatures above 75 degrees.
4. My mom.

For the sake of brevity, I'm going to skip numbers 1 through 3 since I feel that those are rather obvious and don't need any explanation. Let us focus on item 4.

Living at home with mom and dad as an adult can be a considerable challenge. When I moved home after college, unemployed and poor, a lot of work was required to live peacefully under the same room. Even after starting work, I stayed at home but was able to develop the ability to tune out my mother and the questions, the nagging, the guilt trips, etc. in order to deal with her in a mature and healthy fashion.

I don't know how to do that any more. How did I lose that ability so quickly? Because I need it back. Now. Because I have five more days here. Help.