My Food Obsession

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Devil Wears Red

What food could you eat on a daily basis and never get sick of it?

It's a common question that gets asked, along with "What three things would you bring to a desert island?" or "Would you rather be deaf or blind?" I guess these inquiries are designed to reveal our personalities, but personally, I hate these questions. I won't end up on a desert island. And in the off-chance that I do, I won't have the option of packing three items of my choice. I don't want to be deaf or blind because I happen to like being able to see and hear.

But this question about what food I could eat everyday? Now that's one that I'll stop and think about.

My answer? Ice cream. I love ice cream. Gelato is good too. And so is sorbet. But for me, ice cream trumps them all. I'm aware that it's not a food that's good for the waistline, but I have difficulty passing it up when offered.

Vanilla is my favorite flavor. A friend of a friend once said, "Vanilla is boring!!" She's now on my black list. To truly test the quality of a brand or an ice cream shop, you have to try the vanilla. It doesn't have the add-ins like chocolate chips, cookies or fruit to mask any off-flavors. Just pure, delicious vanilla.

It's not to say I don't enjoy other flavors. I love coffee, mint chip, strawberry, Cherry Garcia, green tea, and pretty much all other flavors besides anything with banana or caramel. Not a fan of either.

That's why I now pose a danger to myself. Doris got me this ice cream maker for Christmas and now I pick a flavor, mix it up and twenty minutes later, I can be eating it. Good lord crap I'm in trouble.


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